Garment Valet will be closed on September 2nd for Labor Day, and will resume normal business hours on Tuesday 9/3

COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update

Dry cleaning and laundry services are considered essential businesses according to the State of Massachusetts during the stay-at-home order issued by Governor Baker on March 23, 2020. Garment Valet will continue to stay open on a modified schedule and adhere to any additional guidelines put forth by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) or World Health Organization (WHO) and the local government. For more information about essential businesses in Massachusetts, please see

Safety Procedures:

Garment Valet is committed to helping reduce the spread of disease in our community as well as safeguarding our employees and customers. 

All employees and customers entering our Beacon Street facility, are required to wear a mask/face covering at all times. Currently to ensure appropriate social distancing we have discontinued Self Service until further notice. In our special care & dry cleaning facility, all employees must wear a mask and gloves at all times.

As a standard practice, we process each order separately. Our staff wears gloves and barrier gowns and masks while processing orders and are required to change gloves between orders and wash their hands frequently throughout their shifts. All of our touchpoints, machines, and folding surfaces are being wiped down after each use with disinfecting solutions (Lysol) after each use. We also end each night’s cleaning by applying disinfectant throughout the store.

Delivery personnel are required to wear a mask and gloves at all times. Gloves should be changed frequently and hand sanitizers used to clean hands in between glove changes.

To protect both staff and customers, Garment Valet has strong policies and restrictions about “working while ill.” Our drivers and production staff are not allowed to work if showing any symptoms of illness and will be given sick time.

Our top priority is keeping our employees and customers safe. We are regularly monitoring the developing global and local situation as well as following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). We will keep this page updated with changes in the coming weeks.